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To install the latest stable release, do:

curl -sSL "" | \
  tar -C "${HOME}/.local" -xz --strip-components=1 -f -



  • Open the previous buffer: <C-^> (or <C-6> in some keyboards).

Edit remote files with SSH

Just run:

nvim scp://user@host//tmp/file

Notice the extra /. You can also specify just a directory to browse it interactively.



  • ysiw": Surround the word under the cursor with double quotes.
  • csiw"': Change the quotes surrounding the word under the cursor from double quotes to single quotes.
  • ds': Delete the single quotes surrounding the word under the cursor.
  • ysi)": Surround the text inside parentheses with double quotes.
  • cs)]: Change the parentheses surrounding the text inside parentheses to square brackets.



Cherry pick lines
  1. Open the git summary with :Git (or :G).
  2. Expand the file which contains the lines you want to stage with > (or = to toggle). This will only show the changed chunks plus some extra lines of context above and below the changed lines.
  3. V to start visual mode and select the lines you want to stage with hjkl.
  4. s to stage the visual selection (or - to toggle)
  5. Repeat 2-4 as needed
  6. cc to commit


Search for visual selection

vnoremap // y/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>
To use the mapping, visually select the characters that are wanted in the search, then type // to search for the next occurrence of the selected text.


A mark allows you to record your current position so you can return to it later.


  • :marks: show existing marks.
  • ma: set mark a in current position of current file, accessible only from the current file.
  • mA: set mark A in current position of current file, accessible from anywhere.
  • 'a: Go to mark a.
  • ]': jump to next line with a lowercase mark.


Replace with newline

When replacing some match with a newline, if you try to put \n you will see that a null character is inserted. You should use \r (carriage return) instead of \n.

Without RegEx

Use :sno instead of :s to disable magic.