April of 2021
Computer Science⚑
New: Github Actions.
(https://github.com/features/actions) let's you automate, customize, and execute your software development workflows right in your repository.
New: (../computer_science/cicd/github_actions.md#actions)
(https://github.com/actions/checkout)is an action for checking out a repo.
New: (../computer_science/cicd/github_actions.md#actions)
(https://github.com/ad-m/github-push-action)is a GitHub action to push back to repository eg. update code.
New: Remove prefix/suffix from env variable.
You can remove a fixed prefix and/or suffix from an environment variable with
New: Commitizen.
(https://commitizen-tools.github.io/commitizen/) is a tool that defines a standard way of committing.
It can bump the version of your project automatically based on commits and generate a changelog file.
- New: Mute your microphone while typing.
- New: Added i3wm auto startup conf.
- Correction: I3wm autostart configuration.
New: Altgr-intl layout.
My favorite layout is (https://altgr-weur.eu/altgr-intl.html) because it is based on the standard US layout, which is comfortable for programming and allows me to write accents on letters (required for Spanish and French). And by adding some modifications it can be used for Turkish too.
New: Get current keyboard mappings.
xmodmap -pke
New: Add placeins package.
Use it to ensure figures appear before certain point.
New: MkDocs static site generator.
(https://www.mkdocs.org/) is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file.
New: (../computer_science/gnu_linux/mkdocs.md#mathjax)
(https://www.mathjax.org/) is a beautiful and accessible way to display mathematical content in the browser, allows for writing formulas in different notations, including LaTeX, MathML and AsciiMath, and can be easily integrated with Material for MkDocs.
New: (../computer_science/gnu_linux/mkdocs.md#mkdocs-bibtex)
(https://github.com/shyamd/mkdocs-bibtex) is a plugin for citation management using bibtex.
New: (../computer_science/gnu_linux/mkdocs.md#plugins)
(https://github.com/chrieke/mkdocs-exclude-search) is a mkdocs plugin that lets you exclude selected chapters from the search index.
New: (../computer_science/gnu_linux/mkdocs.md#plugins)
(https://github.com/lyz-code/mkdocs-newsletter) is a plugin that automatically creates newsletters from the changes in a (mkdocs) git repository.
New: GNU/Parallel.
(https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/) is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel using one or more computers.
New: Sort lines.
Vim has a very powerful (https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Sort_lines), or it can interface with an external one.
New: Screen flashing colors.
To fix it, open the laptop bottom case and unplug and then replug the battery and the BIOS button battery.
New: T14 emergency-reset hole.
An alternative to manually unplugging the internal battery.
- New: Add Angular commit convention.
- New: (../python_basics.md#string-formatting)
New: Filters.
Variables can be modified by filters. Filters are separated from the variable by a pipe symbol (
) and may have optional arguments in parentheses. Multiple filters can be chained. The output of one filter is applied to the next.
New: Jupyter Notebook/Lab.
(https://jupyter.org/) is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. It can be used for R and for Python, among others.
New: (../computer_science/programming/python/jupyter.md#extensions)
(https://jupyter-server-proxy.readthedocs.io/) lets you run arbitrary external processes (such as RStudio, Shiny Server, syncthing, PostgreSQL, etc) alongside your notebook, and provide authenticated web access to them.
New: (../computer_science/programming/python/jupyter.md#libraries)
(https://github.com/plotly/jupyter-dash) is a library that makes it easy to develop Plotly Dash apps interactively from within Jupyter environments.
New: Double dimensional array gotcha.
] * 3
creates three copies of the same empty array inside another array so the modifications to any of them affect the rest equally.
New: NetworkX.
(https://networkx.org/) is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
New: Export NetworkX graph to Gephi.
- New: Import graph from pandas df edgelist.
- New: Add node attributes from Series.
- New: Get ego graph with NetworkX.
New: Read pandas Series from a file.
Use the
New: (../computer_science/programming/python/plotly.md#dash)
(https://dash.plotly.com/) is a productive Python framework for building web analytic applications.
New: Python type hints.
Since Python 3.5, type hints are supported. Note that the Python runtime does not enforce function and variable type annotations but they can be used by third party tools such as type checkers, IDEs, linters, etc.
New: (../computer_science/programming/python/typing.md#usage)
A type alias is defined by assigning the type to the alias.
All recipes⚑
- New: Basic cheesecake recipe.
New: Red lentil soup recipe.
Mercimek çorbası is the most popular Turkish soup, made with red lentils.
New: Work in Turkey.
Summary of the relevant laws for foreigners including the detailed application process and some traineeship and grants references.
New: The Product Space.
Economic power is usually measured with the aggregate output of a countries capital and labor. The main idea of the article is that diversity of a countries exports matters, and its useful when predicting a countries development.
New: Gerunds of junction.
They are used to avoid repetition of the verb tense in sentences with several verbs.
New: (../projects/projects.md#finished-projects)
Modeling of a dynamic system using fuzzy logic.
- Correction: Added logo.
- Correction: Added RSS logo.
- New: Added initial content.
- New: Added index.
- Reorganization: GNU/Linux tools.
New: Forking this wiki.
Step by step guide on how to fork this wiki and customize it.
Reorganization: GNU/Linux tools.
New: Added Scrambled Exif.
Android app to remove the metadata from your pictures before sharing them.
New: Added link to Android apps.
New: Added Python basics reference.
Notes on Python basics such as built-in types and functions and file system interaction.
New: Added script header snippet.
New: Added basic pdb usage.
is a Python module for interactive source code debugging. -
New: Added PEP-8 and pprint basics.
PEP-8 is a code style for python code.
is a Python module provides a capability to “pretty-print” arbitrary Python data structures in a form which can be used as input to the interpreter. -
Reorganization: Split Python file into subfiles.
- Reorganization: Caps in index and python directory.
New: Eggplant kebap recipe.
Patlıcanlı kebap is a Turkish dish that contains mainly eggplant and meat. It is generally cooked over a fire but it can be also be prepared in the oven.
Correction: Several wrong paths.
- Correction: Missing nav entry.
- Correction: Commented out non-working.
New: Http.server.
You can create a basic HTTP server that serves the files in the current directory with (https://docs.python.org/3/library/http.server.html#module-http.server)