14th April 2021
Computer Science⚑
New: Jupyter Notebook/Lab.
(https://jupyter.org/) is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. It can be used for R and for Python, among others.
New: (../computer_science/programming/python/jupyter.md#extensions)
(https://jupyter-server-proxy.readthedocs.io/) lets you run arbitrary external processes (such as RStudio, Shiny Server, syncthing, PostgreSQL, etc) alongside your notebook, and provide authenticated web access to them.
New: (../computer_science/programming/python/jupyter.md#libraries)
(https://github.com/plotly/jupyter-dash) is a library that makes it easy to develop Plotly Dash apps interactively from within Jupyter environments.
New: Python type hints.
Since Python 3.5, type hints are supported. Note that the Python runtime does not enforce function and variable type annotations but they can be used by third party tools such as type checkers, IDEs, linters, etc.
New: (../computer_science/programming/python/typing.md#usage)
A type alias is defined by assigning the type to the alias.