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15th April 2021

Computer Science



  • New: MkDocs static site generator.

    ( is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file.

  • New: (../computer_science/gnu_linux/

    ( is a beautiful and accessible way to display mathematical content in the browser, allows for writing formulas in different notations, including LaTeX, MathML and AsciiMath, and can be easily integrated with Material for MkDocs.

  • New: (../computer_science/gnu_linux/

    ( is a plugin for citation management using bibtex.




  • New: The Product Space.

    Economic power is usually measured with the aggregate output of a countries capital and labor. The main idea of the article is that diversity of a countries exports matters, and its useful when predicting a countries development.