16th January 2022
Computer Science⚑
New: Automatic version code generation.
If you use semantic versioning and you don't want to increment the version code manually, replace the related config from
with:def flutterVersionName = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionName') if (flutterVersionName == null) { flutterVersionName = '1.0.0' } def semanticVersion = flutterVersionName.split('\\+') def versionCore = semanticVersion def build = semanticVersion.length >= 2 ? semanticVersion.toInteger() : 0 def (major, minor, patch) = versionCore.tokenize('.').collect{it.toInteger()} def flutterVersionCode = 1000000 * major + 10000 * minor + 100 * patch + build
Then whenever
veriable changes and you build an APK or appbundle, the version code will be generated from it.Examples (version name -> version code):
New: Signing the APK/AppBundle.
First of all, create a key if you don't have one with:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore {{ keystore_file }} -alias {{ key_alias }} \ -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -validity 10000
with:signingConfigs { release { keyAlias "$System.env.KEY_ALIAS" keyPassword "$System.env.KEY_PASSWORD" storeFile file("$System.env.KEY_PATH") storePassword "$System.env.STORE_PASSWORD" } } buildTypes { release { signingConfig signingConfigs.release } }
Now, you can set the corresponding environment variables. This configuration is particularily useful if you want to have a CI build and sign the releases.
Check (github_actions#store-file-as-secret) to save the generated keystore file as a CI secret.
New: Upload to Play Store with CI.
- Create a principal in https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/iam with the role Service Account User.
- Create and download a new key (JSON format) for the created principal.
- In (https://play.google.com/console/) go to Setup>API access and enable access for the created principal granting Admin (all permissions) to it.
- Add the key JSON content as a GitHub Secret (e.g.,
). - Add the following step to your workflow (after
flutter build appbundle
- name: Upload to Google Play uses: r0adkll/upload-google-play@v1.0.15 with: serviceAccountJsonPlainText: ${{ secrets.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON }} packageName: {{ package_name }} releaseFiles: build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab track: production