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May of 2022

Computer Science



  • New: List all installed packages and their versions.

    apt list --installed


  • New: Sticky touchpad after suspend.

    After suspension, the touchpad behaves weird: can't scroll, and acts as if you were clicking and dragging (sticky). The TrackPoint works correctly though.

    A first solution was to disable it and just use the TrackPoint. This is done as follows:

    xinput list # look for SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad
    xinput set-prop <number> "Device Enabled" 0

    This allows you to use the computer without the sticky mouse annoyance but doesn't actually solve the problem. For that, the solution that worked for me is removing the psmouse kernel module before suspending and then reloading it after waking up from suspension. You can first try to do this manualy and then if it works create this script in /lib/systemd/system-sleep/psmouse:

    case $1/$2 in
        echo "Going to $2..."
        modprobe -r psmouse
        echo "Waking up from $2..."
        sleep 2
        modprobe psmouse