15th Week of 2022
Computer Science⚑
New: Get command output or default value if emtpy.
echo | sed 's/^$/default value/'
New: Modify specific commit message.
git rebase --interactive '<commit-id>^'
Then replace
and save to modify the commit message.
New: Search for visual selection.
To use the mapping, visually select the characters that are wanted in the search, then typevnoremap // y/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>
to search for the next occurrence of the selected text.
New: Use matched pattern.
echo "foobarbaz" | sed 's/^foo\(.*\)baz$/\1/'
New: Types in the Closure Type System.
New: JSDoc @example.
`javascript /** * Solves equations of the form a * x = b * @example * // returns 2 * globalNS.method1(5, 10); * @example * // returns 3 * globalNS.method(5, 15); * @returns {Number} Returns the value of x for the equation. */ globalNS.method1 = function (a, b) { return b / a; };
New: JSDoc @type.
Reference: (https://jsdoc.app/tags-type.html).
New: Check syntax without running.
Try to compile it:
python -m py_compile script.py